Thus, Metastatic and invasive properties of cancer cell are linked with HMG-CoA reductase signaling. Moreover, the epigenetic regulation is also affected by HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors [14-15] but extreme cost and length of time in discovery of novel drug and its development are suffering from the low rate of success, the researchers have been accelerated to explore the therapeutic area of existing drugs for new application in oncology.
In recent years, predictive models based on machine learning techniques have proven to be feasible and effective in drug discovery. However, to develop such a model, researchers usually have to combine multiple tools and undergo several different steps (e.g., RDKit or ChemoPy package for molecular descriptor calculation, ChemAxon Standardizer for structure preprocessing, scikit-learn package for model building, and ggplot2 package for statistical analysis and visualization, etc.). In addition, it may require strong programming skills to accomplish these jobs, which poses severe challenges for users without advanced training in computer programming. Therefore, an online pipelining platform that integrates a number of selected tools is a valuable and efficient solution that can meet the needs of related researchers.
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For molecular representation, tools like RDKit, CDK [35], Chemopy [36], OpenBabel [37], PaDEL [38], Cinfony [39], PyDPI [40], Rcpi [41], have been developed to provide thousands of molecular descriptors. For building SAR/SPR models based on machine learning algorithms, a series of package have been implemented, including scikit-learn in Python, and pls [42], earth, caret [43], randomFroest [44], kernlab [45], and RRegrs [46] in R. Visualization packages like matplotlib [47], ggplot2 and seaborn [48] are also freely available to produce high-quality statistical graphics. In addition, several online web services such as ChemDes [49], BioTriangle [50], E-DRAGON [51], QSAR4U [52] and OpenTox [53] are also available for drug discovery purpose. However, these tools are developed independently using different programming languages and APIs such that a unified and comprehensive platform is desirable to release biomedical investigators from such tedious and repeated efforts.
In this project, we developed the feature calculation sub-module as an online tool [36], which allows users to calculate 783 molecular descriptors from 12 feature groups (see Table 2). These features cover a relatively broad range of molecular properties and are carefully selected based on our experience. In recent years, molecular fingerprints are widely used in drug discovery area, especially for similarity search, virtual screening and QSAR/SAR analysis due to their computational efficiency when handling and comparing chemical structures. In this sub-module, ten types of molecular fingerprint algorithms are implemented (see Table 2). These molecular fingerprints have been shown to have a good performance in characterizing molecular structures.
The most important strategy of pharmaceutical industry to overcome its productivity crisis in drug discovery is to focus on the molecular properties of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME). Nowadays, machine learning based approaches have been becoming a very popular choice to predict ADME properties of drug molecules. Here, in order to demonstrate the practicability and reliability of ChemSAR, we studied the Caco-2 Cell permeability using dataset from our previous publication [12] . All the compounds were divided into two classes according to the Caco-2 permeability cutoff value [12]. Then, we obtain a dataset of 1561 molecules containing 528 positive samples and 1033 negative samples. A detailed workflow of building the permeability models is shown in Fig. 3.
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Many methods for differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data perform such information sharing across genes for variance (or, equivalently, dispersion) estimation. edgeR [2],[3] moderates the dispersion estimate for each gene toward a common estimate across all genes, or toward a local estimate from genes with similar expression strength, using a weighted conditional likelihood. Our DESeq method [4] detects and corrects dispersion estimates that are too low through modeling of the dependence of the dispersion on the average expression strength over all samples. BBSeq [5] models the dispersion on the mean, with the mean absolute deviation of dispersion estimates used to reduce the influence of outliers. DSS [6] uses a Bayesian approach to provide an estimate for the dispersion for individual genes that accounts for the heterogeneity of dispersion values for different genes. baySeq [7] and ShrinkBayes [8] estimate priors for a Bayesian model over all genes, and then provide posterior probabilities or false discovery rates (FDRs) for differential expression. 2ff7e9595c